The Inside Team

Meet Your Inside Team:
How to Turn Internal Conflict into Clarity and Move Forward with Your Life

Inside all of us is a collection of internal voices, parts, and beliefs, that sometimes work in harmony and sometimes doesn’t.

The Inside Team approach shows you how to go behind the curtain, so that you can discover the way you think and understand what these parts of you really want.

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Learn About The Inside Team

We all know the frustration of trying to overcome a long-standing obstacle or make some other significant change in our lives, only to find our good intentions derailed by potholes and roadblocks that send us careening into the ditch. While some of these obstacles may be external, the truth is that most of what gets in the way of our good intentions comes from inside us. Going inside to our Inside Team, we find the solution that will genuinely free us up to move forward toward meaningful action that produces lasting results.

Beyond notions of negative self-talk and limiting beliefs lies an incredibly powerful tool for clients and coaches alike. The idea that we have different parts of ourselves is as old as the hills. The Inside Team is much, much more than that. Based on the teachings of CRR Global; with kinship to Transactional Analysis, Voice Dialog work, and other sub-personality work, The Inside Team enables clients and coaches to redesign their inner alliance with themselves.

The Inside Team is that collection of voices, beliefs, aspects of our personalities that sometimes work in harmony, and sometimes don’t. These inner conversations are so familiar to us that we often don’t stop to notice what we are really saying-or not saying-and the effect that has on our choices and daily lives. In essence, they represent our unconsciously designed alliances with ourselves.

By working with clients to bring these Inside Team Players into awareness, and then to consciously redesign how they want the team to operate; you as coach can help clients make choices and take action that will move them powerfully forward in their lives.

Cynthia Explains The Concept

The Inside Team Course


This course is designed for intermediate to advanced coaches, although OD, HR professionals and therapists have enjoyed it as well. If you have completed the Core Curriculum from either CRR Global or CTI, this training should work well for you. If you have trained with another Coach Training organization or have a related background, please request a conversation with Cynthia to determine if this course is a good fit with your skill set.

Course Leaders:

Cynthia Loy Darst, CPCC, ORSCC, MCC, is internationally known as a pioneer in the world of coaching. One of the first to gain the designation of Master Certified Coach (MCC) by the International Coach Federation, one of the first Leaders for CRR Global and The Coaches Training Institute, one of the founders of the ICF and Past-President of ACTO (The Assoc. of Coach Training Organizations).

David Darst, CPCC, ORSCC, PCC is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) through the International Coach Federation and a Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) through the Coaches Training Institute. He was also one of the first to be certified in the field of Relationship Coaching by Center for Right Relationship (CRR).

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The Inside Team was a great learning experience to deepen my coaching skills and my own awareness…Awesome three days!

Irene Leonard, MCC

The Inside Team approach lets coaching and client together “look under the hood” so the client can grow and learn more deeply.

Tim Kincaid, PCC

The Inside Team process is a very creative and challenging approach to creating real intimacy and heighten awareness for your clients.

Adria Trowhill, CPCC, MCCDean Emerita in perpetuity, Adler Faculty of Professional Coaching

Cynthia’s work with the Inside Team is on the cutting edge of transformational work.  In our current world where we are concentrating so much on the outer world and outer circumstances, the tools in this program offer a new pathway to allow people to go inside and design their inside team –  in order to be powerfully alive and effective in designing their outer world.  Highly practical and effective for living in today’s ever-changing and unpredictable world.

Leslie Lupinsky, MCC, CPCC

This powerful and deep framework helps me and my clients to make more effective and aligned choices by identifying and working with the multitude of inner conversations that can go on.

Ursula Pottinga, CPCCCo-Founder of BeAbove Leadership